Fund List

For more information on how you can apply for a grant from one of the funds, please contact Alysia Christy at

Project Funds: Funds held at the Foundation for various projects, groups, and organizations in the area. They provide an important opportunity for the Community Foundation to offer service and leadership to the community. These funds present large variations in size, activity level, structure, and longevity.

Gladwin Area Friends of the Theatre Building Project Fund - (To provide for the design, development, and construction of the theatre for the Gladwin Area Friends of the Theatre (GAFT).)

Gladwin County Flood Relief Fund - To provide for disaster relief in Gladwin County with use determined by the MidMichigan Community Action Agency in conjunction with Gladwin County Emergency Management.

Gladwin County Veterans Memorial Project Fund - To provide for the design, development, and construction of a replacement of the current Gladwin County Veterans Memorial.

Gladwin Covid-19 Response Project Fund - (To provide for relief both short and long term in Gladwin County as needed to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.)

Gladwin Rotary Splash Park Project Fund - (To provide for the design, development and construction of the Rotary Splash Park at Ross Lake Park.)

Gladwin County Historical Society Museum Roof Project Fund - (To Provide for the design, development and construction of the roof of the Gladwin County Historical Museum roof, and to provide for other necessary outside repairs to museum facilities.)

Agency Fund List: An Agency Fund is established by a nonprofit that transfers certain assets to the Community Foundation and designates itself as the beneficiary of the fund.

 Beaverton Activity Center Endowment Fund - (To support the mission and maintenance of the Beaverton Activity Center and its program and project goals.)

Beaverton Helping Hands Mission Endowment Fund - (Supports the mission and operations of the Beaverton Helping Hands Mission. The Mission of the Beaverton Helping Hands Mission is to do the work of the Lord and serving the needs of the community.)

 Beaverton Lions Club Endowment Fund - (Supports the maintenance & improvements to the Beaverton Community Center where the Beaverton Lions Club meets.)

Beaverton World War I Memorial Endowment Fund - (To commemorate the service of Gladwin County veterans in World War I and provide grants in support of the memorial located at Ross Lake Park in the City of Beaverton. This fund is to be used to maintain the memorial. Secondly, it may be used to support other war memorials or enhancements on or adjacent to the current site.)

 Gladwin County Conservation District Endowment Fund - (Supports the mission and operations of the Gladwin County Conservation District.  The mission of the Gladwin County Conservation District is to strengthen Gladwin County through leadership, information and representation in conjunction with the Michigan Association of Conservation Districts and the national organization.  The Gladwin County Conservation District conducts campaigns and programs to strenghten Gladwin County, and encourages land users to adopt conservation practices that protect soil, water, and related natural resources.)

 Gladwin County Historical Society Endowment Fund - (Supports the mission of the Society to bring together those people interested in history, especially the history of Gladwin County, to collect and preserve all types of historical material (photographs, written material and artifacts) and to establish a museum to house these materials.)

Gladwin County Veterans Relief Fund - (This fund supports the mission of the Gladwin County Office of Veterans Affairs, which is to assist veterans in need.)


Designated Funds:  Designated Funds are established by individual donors (third parties), not the agency itself, to benefit one or more nonprofit organizations

Beaverton Church of the Nazarene Endowment Fund - (Supports the mission and operations of the Beaverton Church of the Nazarene.  The mission of the Beaverton Church of the Nazarene is to make a great commitment to the great commandment, the great commission and the great community in order to make a great church.)

 Beaverton Public Schools Endowment Fund - (Supports the mission and operations of the Beaverton Public Schools to provide students a quality education and the skills necessary to be competent, productive, and contributing members of society.)

 Gladwin Community Schools Education Endowment Fund - (To provide grants in support of educational initiatives, supplies and programs for Gladwin Community Schools.  The educational initiatives, supplies and programs are to be recommended by the building principals at Gladwin Community Schools upon teacher requests.)

 Gladwin County Economic Development Corporation Endowment Fund - (Supports the mission and activities of the Gladwin Economic Development Corporation.)

 Gladwin County Health Improvement Endowment Fund - (To provide grants in support of community-wide medical health initiatives (examples would include access to care, population health education, population health strategies and health needs assessments) with a priority given to at-risk or low-income residents.)

Gladwin County Veterans Relief Fund - (Supports the mission of the Gladwin County Office of Veterans Affairs which is to assist veterans in need.)

 Gladwin County Youth Endowment Fund - (To support the work of the Gladwin County Youth Action Council.)

Linda Haight Gladwin County Animal Shelter Endowment Fund - (To provide grants in support of the Gladwin County Animal Shelter for facility needs including improvements, renovation or new construction and for care of animals as well as adoption fees.)

Donor Advised Funds: A Donor Advised Fund (DAF) is a type of charitable giving fund that is established by a donor with an eligible charitable sponsoring organization (i.e. the Community Foundation) to support a cause (or causes) that the donor cares about.

David and Janet Poxon Funds Fund - (The stated goal of The David & Janet Poxon Fund is to “help the poor of Gladwin County.”)

DeVere and Carole Dennings Donor-advised Endowment Fund - (Provide grants to nonprofit organizations in support of the mission of the Midland Area Community Foundation.  It is a donor advised fund, with DeVere, Carole and Brock Dennings being the donor-advisors.  One succeeding generation (Brock's children) may also serve as donor-advisors.   At such time as these advisors are no longer able or willing to serve in this capacity, distributions from the fund would support Gladwin County Endowment Fund.)

 Gladwin Athletic Association Endowment Fund - (To support the mission and operations of the Gladwin Athletic Association: to promote the general interest in the athletic activities of the Gladwin Junior and Senior High Schools; to develop between Educators and the General Public such united efforts as will secure maximum achievement in athletic activities; to work with Gladwin school administrators, athletic director and staff, in promoting harmonious cooperation between all concerned persons in our community.  Gladwin Athletic Association operates as a part of Gladwin Community Schools.)

Field of Interest Funds: Field of Interest Funds allow your gift to make a massive impact in the causes you are most passionate about. By establishing a Field of Interest Fund, you can target your gift to address needs in an important area of community life.

 Gladwin County Healthy Senior Endowment Fund - (To support issues which support healthy seniors, such as smoking and substance abuse prevention and cessation, violence and conflict resolution, access to dental care, community alternatives for recreation, pharmaceutical issues, preventing and managing chronic disease, long-term care alternatives, mental health and aging, workforce and aging, etc.  Seniors are defined as those 65 and older.)

 Gladwin County Healthy Youth Endowment Fund - (To support issues which support healthy youth, such as smoking and substance abuse prevention and cessation, violence and conflict resolution, access to dental care, community alternatives for recreation, child care, pharmaceutical issues, preventing and managing chronic disease, mental heatlh, etc.  Youth are defines at those 17 and younger.)

 Gladwin County Investment Fund*  (Primary Fund Supporting the GCCF Grant Process) - (To provide grant monies to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations, nonprofit educational institutions, or governmental units for charitable purposes that serve the residents of Gladwin County.)

Scholarship Funds: A scholarship fund lets you help deserving students further their education.

Beaverton Lions Club Endowed Scholarship Fund - (To provide an annual scholarship(s) award to a graduating senior of Beaverton High School or Gladwin High School with a cumulative grade point average of 2.25 or higher.)

Chase Erway Endowed Scholarship Fund - (To provide annual scholarship award(s) to Gladwin County graduating seniors, prior year's award recipients, or individuals who have obtained their GED and live in Gladwin County.  Applicants must have a minimum 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale and demonstrate financial need.  Preference will be given to those individuals pursuing a degree or certificate in skilled trades as an educational organization.  If there are at least two scholarships being offered, preference should be given to have one Beaverton High School graduating senior.  If there are no applicants pursuing skilled trades, individuals attending a community college or university are eligible if pursuing a degree in education, engineering, or business administration/business management.  Recipients may reapply in one subsequent year provided they demonstrate at least a 2.5 GPA and continue to show financial need.)

Donald and Grace Irene Lyons Endowed Scholarship Fund - (To provide annual scholarship awards to Gladwin High School graduating seniors or Gladwin High School graduates planning to attend an accredited community college, college or university.  Selection will be based on academic achievement and financial need with other factors such as extra-curricular involvement, work experience, community involvement and personal challenges taken into consideration.)

Donna "Teach" Comfort Endowed Scholarship Fund - (To provide an annual scholarship award to a Gladwin County resident to attend an accredited program - college or university, or long- or short-term vocational training program.  The recipient would have graduated from high school or obtained the GED prior to using this scholarship.  Recipients may reapply in one subsequent year provided they demonstrate at least a 3.0 GPA and absences of three days or less.)

Esther Keeley Rodabaugh Foreign Language Endowed Scholarship -( To provide an annual scholarship award to a Beaverton High School graduate or graduating senior who is pursuing a degree in the field of humanities with preference give to students pursuing a degree related to foreign language(s). Applicants much have a 3.0 GPA and previous recipients my reapply.)

Gladwin Kiwanis Dallas Falls Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund - (To provide annual scholarship awards for post-secondary education.  Scholarship applications will be considered from high school seniors at the following schools: Gladwin, Beaverton High School, Skeels Christian School and Gladwin home schools.  If there is not a qualified applicant at each of these schools then more than one scholarship can be offered to the other schools.  Preference will be given to applicants with a cumulative GPA of 2.25 or higher who is involved in community service activities.  The essay for this scholarship application should describe the applicant's community service activities and should be no longer than 400 words.)

Gladwin Ministerial Association Christian Ministry Endowed Scholarship Fund - (To provide an annual scholarship award to a graduating senior of any Gladwin County High School who has a GPA or 3.0 or higher and is pursuing a ministry-related field of study.  Preference will be give to those who want to be a pastor.)

Gladwin Rotary Ken Kerswill Endowed Scholarship Fund - (To provide an annual scholarship(s) award to Gladwin County graduating senior. Application letters for this scholarship should include how the student lives up to Rotary’s Four Way Test and how they’ve been involved in community service. Preference will be given to students that have had family members that were Rotarians.)

Jessie Maxwell Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund - (To provide one annual scholarship award to a Beaverton High School graduating high school senior and one award to a Gladwin High School graduating senior.  The successful applicants must a) be a resident of Gladwin County, and b) have at least a 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale, and c) be of upstanding moral character, and d) demonstrate financial need.  Preference will be given to those individuals pursuing post high school education in the area of construction or manufacturing at a community college, university, trade or technical school, or through an industry-recognized certification program.)

Kenneth J. Dubiel Memorial 4-H Endowed Scholarship Fund - (To provide annual scholarship award(s) to Gladwin High School and/or Beaverton High School graduating high school seniors for the purpose of attending an accredited post-secondary educational institution.  The successful applicant will be a current and actively enrolled student in the Gladwin County 4-H program and will have been enrolled for at least 5 years.)

Kinne-Millard Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund for Gladwin High School - (To provide a annual scholarship award in memory of Gladys Kinne, Margaret Millard and Rosalie Kinne-Millard to a graduate of Gladwin High School who achieved a 3.0 grade point average or better and displays a financial need and is attending a state supported Michigan college or university.  The recipient must display leadership qualities by having volunteered at Gladwin High School, in the Gladwin community or in their church.  If applicants have equivalent qualifications, preference shall be given to any such applicant who is pursuing a degree in education.)

Kristina Garafalo, A Person of Excellence, Memorial Scholarship Fund - (Provides an annual scholarship to a Gladwin County High School graduate who is pursuing a degree in a medical-related field, with preference given to those studying neuroscience or psychology.  Applicants should have a minimum 3.5 GPA.  Preference will be given to students who have worked a job during their high school years and to those who have been in dance.)

Mark Hayes Career Technical Education Endowed Scholarship Fund - (To provide an annual scholarship award(s) to a Beaverton High School or Gladwin High School graduating senior and are pursuing a degree or certification in skilled trades at an eduational organization.  Preference will be given to Beaverton High School students first and then can be offered to Gladwin High School students.)

Terry and Eileen Brokoff Endowed Scholarship Fund - (To provide two annual scholarship awards to Gladwin High School graduating seniors who have financial need, a grade point average of 3.0 or above with one scholarship for a student who is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in human medicine and one scholarship to a student who is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in a STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) field with a preference to those studying engineering.)

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